Why do girls shave their viginas? - shaven viginas
Some women shave their private parts, because it seems more interesting for them, sometimes a few men. It is also the reason why oral sex. Most men do not like it in parts of the pubic hair. In addition, smelling hair. Women who shave, albeit across the region, or shaving the skin, the reduction in a desired pattern, clearly smells. But women who read these lines, the more hair you can be kept most of the infections at bay. Since our nose hairs helps to stay infections in our body, so the pubic hair. Do not believe me? Ask an experienced doc. He / she must tell you that it helps. But it is independent of the "style" of pubic hair, keep the area with soap and water every day very important to stay clean and free from infection.
Shaven Viginas Why Do Girls Shave Their Viginas?
6:14 PM
It is done very popular. Moreover, they know I appreciate it guys. Less odor, less irritation, and makes us feel that the girl is younger:)
Because it looks good. Easier cleaning / maintenance. :)
probably a mixture of air, comfort, joy and above all, because they want to. Hell guys shave their parts and equal.
You need to know to be higher (and really, as the vagina) spell before to answer the question ... for your wife ... not the board of Yahoo Answers!
You need to know to be higher (and really, as the vagina) spell before to answer the question ... for your wife ... not the board of Yahoo Answers!
its decision not to do, and some others do not. Some guys shave their pubic hair and others do not. the individual to decide what they do, how
B / C and we want the spirit and self Bizness
You mean the area of his "shame"? Some do it for the stars appear Pron, others like me it for health reasons.
because they do not feel good and feel better
because they do not feel good and feel better
because your gay
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